Archive for the ‘Diet’ Category

eat slowly for better fat loss

January 27, 2007

Angelina jolie diet secrets

January 27, 2007

lara-croft-angelina-jolie.jpgTo get ready for her new movie Tomb Raider, Angelina Jolie had spent a few months on a special diet. Jolie’s been forced to swap cigarettes and coffee for steamed meat, vegetables and soya milk. ‘It’s an interesting test because I used to smoke and drink and I used to not eat breakfast but have a cigarette and coffee”, Jolie said.

Although Jolie admits that Croft is the role closest to herself, playing her was one of the hardest things she has ever done. “It was such a challenge physically,” tells Angelina, who prepared for the role by following a training regime that included kickboxing, canoeing, street fighting and yoga. “A special diet also helped me shape my body. I ate steamed sea bass or steamed beef and vegetables, and I had no sugar and only drank soy milk.” Angelina had lost weight from overwork and was glad the training and healthy diet helped her put back on a few pounds of curves.

“I’m all for curves on a woman, and feeling sexy,” she says, “and I never felt healthier or stronger than during the filming of this movie.” Jolie performed almost all of her own stunts in “Tomb Raider,” which include sword fighting, spear throwing, dog sledding and bungee jumping. For the bungee-jumping sequence, she went through three months’ training. “The most difficult thing was learning how to do bungee ballet,” she recalls. “It took a while to learn how to work with the harness.”

When Angelina Jolie was married to husband Billy Bob Thornton, they were really focused on cleaning up their acts. Angelina said, “No more smoking or drinking, and a sugar-free diet. They want to be really healthy before they embark on having children”.

jessica alba diet secrets

January 27, 2007

jessica-alba-california.jpgOne source reports Jessica Alba has been on a diet since the age of 12. Jessica said, “Everyone in my family is heavily overweight. I wanted to be healthier, so I started cooking for myself when I was 12 years old. When I eat breakfast, I’ll have an egg-white omelette and fruit, or cottage cheese and a peach. For lunch, I’ll have a salad. Dinner is usually vegetables and chicken or fish. During the day I’ll have some dried fruit, or I’ll have a chocolate or strawberry frozen yogurt. I don’t really eat desserts or bread.”

Regarding her workout routine, Jessica said, “I try to work out every day for 45 minutes to an hour. I start out on the treadmills or elliptical machine for 10 to 15 minutes to get my heart rate up to 180 beats per minute. Then I do 50 lunges and crunches. Next I get back on the machine for another 10 minutes. Then I work on shoulders, biceps and triceps. I do that nonstop for four sets. When I work out, I have energy and feel good about myself.”

why a personal trainer in orange county

January 24, 2007

Here are just a few reasons why you will benefit from Newport coast Personal Training…

Knowledge- Our experienced trainers know how to get YOU in shape fast, don’t leave your fitness up to chance.

Time Is Money – You can try to do it on your own through trial and error, but you maybe wasting a lot of time. Our trainers will have you seeing results faster than you thought possible.

Motivation – Our trainers will keep you focused and on track towards reaching your goals!

Convenience- Getting in shape is easier than ever before, we create your program around your needs, your busy schedule! We can even bring the workouts to you, your home, office or location!

jessica biels workouts

January 24, 2007


Jessica Biel

Jessica Biel

The goal: Carve Jessica Biel’s muscles so she looks like a vampire-slaying, comic-book character sprung to life in the film “Blade: Trinity.”

The workout: Five-minute warm-up on the treadmill, followed by three to five minutes of light stretching, then a weight workout that changed from week to week. Sometimes Biel and trainer Bobby Strom would isolate a body part, such as her shoulders. Other times, Biel focused on opposing body parts, such as chest and back, biceps and triceps, or quadriceps and hamstrings. This allowed Biel and Strom to keep rest time to a minimum and work muscles until they were fatigued. Next, a tough cardio session: at least 45 minutes a day, six days a week, with Strom keeping close tabs on Biel’s heart rate. They rotated between using routine cardio equipment and martial arts, kickboxing and plyometric circuit training drills.

The signature move: Plyometric jumping squats. Biel would squat on a balance board, use a burst of power to leap into the air, then land back on the board and resume the squat position. She did 12 repetitions of this demanding move. “She loved it,” said Strom, “but she hated it, too.”

The diet: Three meals and three snacks daily. Breakfast: oatmeal with diced apple and cinnamon, and a side of protein (typically one egg scrambled with three egg whites). Lunch and dinner: about 4 ounces of protein (fish, chicken or lean red meat) with a vitamin-rich salad (spinach, asparagus, broccoli) dressed with lemon and a teaspoon of olive oil. Snacks varied but included soy-based protein drinks made with nonfat milk, protein bars or an apple and a dozen unsalted almonds.

The results: Although Biel was in good shape to begin with, she lost 10 pounds and reduced her body fat by 10 percent.

gisele bundchen diet tips or are they?

January 24, 2007

Supermodel Gisele Bundchen has revealed the secret to her amazing figure–cheeseburgers. Yup, you heard me…cheeseburgers!

The leggy supermodel, who is infamous for her stunning figure, admits she is a carnivore when it comes to her diet and was even munching at McDonalds when she was “discovered” at the age of just 14. She said: “I like meat, real meat. It’s delicious.”

Despite her appetite for burgers, Gisele balances out her meat-heavy diet with rigorous exercise, she says, “I’m very athletic, so I guess because of that I get to eat what I want.”
Yes, yes I know, I want to hate her for her gorgeous bod too but she’s too damn cute to hate on.

Jennifer aniston workout tips for broken hearts

January 24, 2007


jessica biel’s diet secrets

January 23, 2007

biel971280×800.jpgThe 3-Hour Diet

To get into fighting shape for ‘Blade: Trinity,’ Jessica Biel followed a strict diet that banned sugar, dairy, flour and salt. To keep her metabolism revved up and to get her through an intense workout schedule, Jessica has said she would eat several small meals every few hours, similar to the 3-Hour Diet.

jessica alba diet tips

January 21, 2007


Jessica Alba has paid careful attention to her diet since age 12. The star reportedly doesn’t adhere to any formal diet, but eats and shops smart in a strategy similar to the Supermarket Diet. Alba also doesn’t eat dessert or red meat, avoids bread, and fills up on poultry, fish, vegetables, salads and fruit.

jennifer aniston diet secrets

January 21, 2007

aniston1281024×768.jpgWhen she starred on ‘Friends,’ Jennifer Aniston reportedly turned to the Zone Diet. On this diet, Jennifer would aim to have her diet consist of 40 percent carbohydrates, 30 percent protein, and 30 percent fat. The Zone’s founder claims this ratio will rev your metabolism.